Kahi Vehicle Gateway
Simplify your operations with our hassle-free solution for automating your asset and fleet management systems. Introducing the Kahi Vehicle Gateway, the seamless way to automate fleet and asset tracking.

How it Works

The Kahi Warehouse Fixed Gateway is installed at your warehouse location to provide beacon scanning while your assets are at home.

The Kahi Vehicle Gateway scans for Kahi Beacons while in transit and reports on location as assets deploy and demobilize from sites.

Vehicles installed with the Kahi Vehicle Gateway are constantly on the lookout for Kahi Beacons. Whenever these vehicles come within range, they have the ability to detect any nearby beacons.

Supercharge remote field operations with The New Kahi Vehicle Gateway
Our Vehicle Gateway offers enhanced asset protection at a more affordable cost than anything else on the market.
Focused on protecting your assets, the Mobile Gateway is a camera-less GPS-driven tracking system that can easily be installed in your vehicles. Functioning in the same Kahi ecosystem that you know and love, our new gateway is equipped with improved features at our lowest startup cost yet.
Kahi Vehicle Gateway Features
Vehicle GPS Tracking
Vitals & Notifications
Smart Asset Tracking
Mobile & Web Applications
Ideal for All Fleet Sizes
Plug & Play Solution
Cost Effective
Which tracking solution is best for your fleet?
Kahi Vehicle Gateway

Scan for Kahi Beacons
Current vehicle location displayed in Web App
Travel history displayed in Web App
Record and save video footage
Access live video stream
Track driver analytics through facial recognition
Remotely send messages to vehicles
Integrate with Fleetio
Retrieve DTC Codes
Powered through accessory port
Powered through OBD port
Kahi-Enabled Raven

Scan for Kahi Beacons
Current vehicle location displayed in Web App
Travel history displayed in Web App
Record and save video footage
Access live video stream
Track driver analytics through facial recognition
Remotely send messages to vehicles
Integrate with Fleetio
Retrieve DTC Codes
Powered through accessory port
Powered through OBD port