We’ve been utilizing Kahi for a little over a year and have yet to lose a piece of equipment. I love how it works hand in hand with Encircle. The beacon batteries last forever too. Outstanding product. Great customer service too.
Josh Winton
Out with the old, in with the new! My restoration team and I are super pumped to swap out our existing asset beacons with these smaller, more impressive beacons from my friends at Kahi. If you’re not familiar with Kahi, they are an innovative company with one focus - a smarter, simpler way to manage assets. I think my favourite part about their company is that it’s being lead by a restoration professional. I mean, who knows our struggles more than one of our own?
Blake Craft
Best thing my company has done!! We will never lose or leave a piece of equipment at a job site again. Highly recommend and cannot say enough about this product.